September/October 2014 Horoscopes

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Bi-Monthly Horoscopes

With Benevolent Jupiter in your house of creativity, passion and fun you will experience the most growth and positivity in September when traveling, teaching, learning, exploring and moving beyond your own preconceived limitations. The key is to balance this with your work commitments and relationships to higher ups- as going rogue without thinking of the consequences could cost you. In October you are asked to rethink, review and revise the most important relationships in your life, but you would do well to wait until the end of October before you act on what you realize. The Eclipses in October are all about ending an old pattern of radical independence and commencing a new cycle of partnership, collaboration and commitment. This could be romantic or business focused, but whatever it is- it’s powerful, will take you far and could even be quite lucrative!

You have one of the most positive planets in the root of your chart for the next year, bringing lots of gifts, growth and benevolence to your home, family and inner life. Changes in your beliefs and attitudes, as well as in your friendship connections- can lead to more grounding and happiness. There’s also potential for deep spiritual shifts or awakenings- particularly around September 25th- so pay attention to your dreams, intuition and inner knowing. October is a time to rethink, review and revise your most important one-to-one relationships and perhaps go over the past so you can finally complete it. The Eclipses in October bring endings and new beginnings in your spiritual life, work life and relationship life. Know that anything that moves on is making room for something new to come in. Set your relationship intentions with the Solar Eclipse on the 23rd- envision what you desire and then do the work to manifest it!

Opportunities to travel, teach, explore, write and share your Truth with others should be embraced in September. New ideas, visions and vitality are in-coming, as well as new potential partnerships, and you want to be sure to make the most of them. Yet it is key to balance this new energy with the deepening/healing experiences in your existing intimate relationships and work life. Clearing out what is not working and focusing on committing further to what is is necessary right now. In October your ruler Mercury stations retrograde, making the whole month a time to rethink, review and revise your daily work life, health habits and organization. The Eclipses in October point to endings in certain friendships or community associations, but also to new beginnings in your daily life and well-being. Mercury stations direct on the 25th- so wait until then to make definitive moves or sign on the dotted line.

With one of the most positive planets in your money house for the next year, the stage has been set to experience more abundance and self-worth and you’d do well to make the most of it. Focusing your energy and vitality on your calling, passions and life purpose will serve you and open up the avenues of opportunity the Universe wants to gift to you. In October Mercury stations retrograde, asking you to rethink, review and revise what you love, what you are passionate about and how you express yourself. The Eclipses in October bring endings in work/career or home/family situations- with the sole purpose to clear the way for new beginnings to unfold in your creative life. With Mercury stationing direct on the 25th, clarity should come towards the end of the month- and when it does it will be time to take action!

Now that expansive, benevolent Jupiter is in your sign- you, dear Leo, are in the limelight! Jupiter only comes into your sign once every 12 years- so you want to be sure to take advantage of the opportunities for spiritual and material growth that he brings. In September you are asked to balance your fire and passion with some discipline, mastery and healthy boundaries in relationships. In October Mercury stations retrograde asking you to rethink, review and revise your home or family situations and/or your attachments to the past. The Eclipses in October bring endings to old belief systems and limited thinking, and they bring new beginnings where you can really find your grounding, sense of stability and inner rootedness. Mercury stations direct on the 25th- so wait until then to take definitive action regarding home or family situations.

Benevolent Jupiter is in the hidden most house in your chart for the next year, making it a great time for spiritual growth and emotional clearing around the past. In September you are supported in seeing what aspects of yourself hinder your experience of deep happiness in relationships. Once you see what you need to see, then you can do something about it! In October your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde, making it a time to rethink, review and revise what you think, say and believe about the world around you. The Eclipses usher out an old cycle and call a new one in- so be willing to let go of something that tethers you to the past (be it person, place or attitude), and stay open to new visions and opportunities coming in. Mercury stations direct on the 25th, so wait until the last week of October to make any definitive moves or sign on the dotted line.

With expansive, positive Jupiter in your 11th house for the next year- you have amazing opportunities headed your way when it comes to new friendships and community connections. To make the most of this in September be sure you get out and do things that are close to your heart, so that when you do meet other people they are more likely to be kindred spirits. Pay close attention to the days surrounding the 25th as the new connections you make can be incredibly positive! In October Mercury stations retrograde, asking you to rethink, review and revise your money reality and/or value system. The Eclipses in October are powerful- bringing endings to old ways of relating to others which could entail endings of certain relationships, but if that is the case know that you are being cleared out for some new delight. A new cycle of self-worth, self-respect and abundance commences on the 23rd. Call in what you know you deserve!

You have expansive, benevolent Jupiter in your 10th house for the next year- so gear up for some amazing developments in your life path, purpose and career! In September you have opportunities to align your creativity and passions in a way that allows you to fully life your Truth- and it will have a positive impact on your career and status in the world. In October Mercury stations retrograde in your sign, making the whole month a great time to rethink, review and revise your life direction and relationships. The Eclipses in October are powerful: the Lunar Eclipse brings endings in work or health matters. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd is in your sign, helping you to end one chapter and start a new one- perhaps even a new volume! Set your intentions and get clear on what you want to call in- because it will certainly come in and it will catapult you in new directions!

As one of only two signs ruled by Jupiter, wherever Jupiter transits you have some extra special goodness in store. Jupiter just moved into Leo and your 9th house of Higher Self (the house that Jupiter rules!)- so the next year of his journey here is great for travel, education, learning, teaching, publishing and expanding your world view. In September you should take advantage of the opportunities that head your way- but make sure to balance them with some realism and practicality, particularly when it comes to finances. In October Mercury stations retrograde, making the whole month a time to rethink, review and revise your spiritual life, Unconscious and fears that hold you back. The Eclipses in October bring endings to old ways of self-identification, and new beginnings on your spiritual path. When the ego is in service to the Spirit/Soul, you’d be amazed at the journeys the Universe will take you on!

You have lucky, benevolent Jupiter in your 8th house- bringing his expansion and positivity to your intimate relationships as well as your path of transformation and empowerment. In September you are asked to embrace courage and trust as you leap away from structures, safety and security of the known past- and into the unknown, but exciting possibilities of the future. In October Mercury stations retrograde, making the whole month a time to rethink, review and revise your friendships and community connections. The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th brings endings or changes to home/family situations or in regards to your childhood past. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd is all about aligning yourself with your hopes and dreams and kindred Spirits who can support you on your path. You may need to let go of something before something new can come in- so don’t hold onto the past so tightly that you miss out!

With lucky, benevolent Jupiter in your relationship house until next summer you have excellent stars for relationships of all kinds! Whether you are interested in meeting someone new, solidifying a business partnership or just expanding/deepening existing relationships in your life- you are have the cosmos on your side! On September 25th Jupiter aligns with your ruling planet Uranus, so stay open to unexpected and/or exciting connections! In October Mercury stations retrograde in your career house, making the entire month a time to rethink, review and revise your life path and purpose. The Eclipses in October bring endings to old ways of thinking and believing, which pave the way for new beginnings/new cycles in your life path, purpose and career. Set your intentions wisely on the 23rd as the Solar Eclipse will help you start a brand new chapter in your life- but it’s up to you to write it!

There are only two signs ruled by Jupiter and you are one of them, so Jupiter transits are exceptionally important for you. Jupiter entered your house of work and health in July and he stays there until next summer- so you are primed for significant and positive shifts and opportunities coming into your work sphere as well as your well-being and vitality! The key is to tap into your confidence, leadership skills and creativity- and really put them out there for others to see. In October Mercury stations retrograde, making the entire month a time to rethink, review and revise your belief systems and spiritual understanding. The Eclipses in October usher in big change. Endings in old ways of dealing with money and abundance make way for new opportunities to come in that can generate more abundance while attuning you to a Higher Truth. The key is knowing when to wait and be patient and knowing when to act. Listen to your inner voice for clear direction.